MIL-DTL-62030E(AT) Fourth range friction loss test. The range selector shall be placed in fourth range,
no throttle valve, and output shafts uncoupled. With input speed of 1995-2005 rpm and service
brakes released, the input torque and cooler "in" oil temperature shall be observed and verified to
determine conformance to 3.4.9. Downshift inhibitor test. With input speed between 1950 and 2050 rpm in fourth
range, no throttle valve, and output shafts uncoupled, input speed shall be slowly reduced until
downshift occurs. The operation shall be repeated in first range. Shift values and lockup pressure
shall be observed and verified to determine conformance to 3.4.10. Speedometer drive test. During any appropriate test, speedometer drive gear
shall be observed to determine conformance to 3.4.11. Low speed oil pressure and temperature test. With input speed of 600-650 rpm,
no load on output, and "pivot" valve in the "land" position, main oil pressure and cooler "in" oil
temperature shall be observed and verified to determine conformance to 3.4.12.
4.6 Interface requirements verification. Verify the envelope dimensions and mounting
interface by measurements and placement.
4.7 Support and ownership requirements verification.
4.7.1 Safety inspection. To determine conformance to 3.6.1, assemblies shall be
inspected for hazardous burrs, sharp edges, foreign materials, or other imperfections that pose
physical danger to an installer/operator. Inspect the assembly for exposed, frayed, unsecured, or
otherwise improperly protected wires that pose electrical danger to the installer/ operator. Any
defect shall result in rejection of the transmission.
4.7.2 Reliability. To determine conformance to 3.6.2, vehicle operation shall include any
of the types of operation, terrain conditions, and ambient temperature to which a military vehicle
of any kind is subjected, in accordance with the provisions of the specification covering the
4.7.3 Leakage. Subsequent to dynamometer testing, transmission shall be examined to
determine conformance to 3.6.3. Leakage shall constitute failure.
4.7.4 Identification. To determine conformance to 3.6.5, assemblies shall verify the
presence of the required markings on the assembly. After performing all operating requirements
tests in thru, re-inspect the assembly markings for readability.
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